Current projects
Miners Mesa Industrial Park, Apex Area, North Las Vegas, Nevada
Client: MMESA 319, LLC,
Design-Build, Approximately $35 million
Fully improved paved access roadway coordination
BLM Permitting
Determined expedited plan of action including advance biological/botanical resources studies to address NEPA questions before roadway design was completed, shaving up to a year off of standard times;
Obtained final ROW in nine months and initial notice to proceed two months later.
Plan of Development submitted with robust explanations to meet BLM requirements for three-tiered review system;
Structured broad project parameters to include possible design changes during NEPA analysis so any modifications did not impact review;
Negotiated and obtained Mineral Material Sales Contracts for grading/crushing activities
NDOT Permitting
Supervised/directed engineers in design of roundabout located at the intersection of Mikalonis Way and Las Vegas Boulevard
Assisted with permitting for landscaped roundabout area, including street lights and lighted signage
NV Energy Coordination
Location of distribution conduit for Miners Mesa projects and new Prospector substation being developed
Obtained permission for Close Proximity Blasting to Construct Roadway and Underground Power Installation
Coordinated efforts of blasting contractor, specialized geologist, construction crews, NV Energy engineers, contractors and key officials to blast in areas as close as 50 feet to 500 MVA towers and lines;
Utilized both existing and new professional relationships to navigate the documentation, insurance requirements, and engineering pre-planning needed to gain permission.
Miners Mesa Water Distribution System and Sanitary Sewer
Design coordination with engineering and City staff
Permitting through Nevada Division of State Lands
Utilized several levels of existing professional relationships to track review and signatures needed for the easement, including signatures needed from Nevada National Guard representatives and Adjutant General.
UPRR crossing authorizations and License Agreements for City of North Las Vegas
City Oversized Waterline Phases I and II, Apex Area, North Las Vegas, Nevada
Client: MMESA 319, LLC
Design-Build, Oversized by City of North Las Vegas, Approximately $70 million
Supervision of Engineering and Design
Obtained UPRR crossing authorizations and License Agreements for City of North Las Vegas
Coordinated with engineering staff to submit full applications and addressing any issues
BLM Permitting
Temporary Construction ROW for a section of City of North Las Vegas Oversized Waterline Phase I (N-85013/D);
Amendment to City of North Las Vegas Oversized Waterline Phase II (N-96576 - in process);
NDSL Utility Easement through patented land
Utilized several levels of existing professional relationships to track review and signatures needed for the easement, including signatures needed from Nevada National Guard representatives and Adjutant General.
Coordinated a BLM Plan of Development amendment to a Recreation and Public Purpose Patent to allow additional uses not originally planned.
Utilized existing professional relationships, governmental contacts and engineers to obtain expedited review and permit issuance for the projects.
Northern Nevada Industrial Center, Lyon County, Nevada
Client: NV-Reno Industrial, LLC
Design-Build, Approximately $100 million anticipated to develop 12,000 acres of raw land, ongoing
Water rights permitting coordination
Carson River Decreed Rights
Groundwater development on-site
Well Development
Coordination of drilling activities for 4 completed production wells to deliver approximately 690 afa of quasi-municipal water rights
Coordination of induction well development for approximately 2400 afa of decreed rights
Coordination with Nevada Division of State Lands on easement access to well system
Negotiation and completion of water rights purchase/land exchange with US Fish & Wildlife
Water Delivery System
Supervision of ongoing efforts to design/engineer/construct delivery system including tanks, pump stations, pipelines
Coordination with Silver Springs Mutual Water Company for integrated water system for NNIC and area
Wastewater Collection System and Treatment Facilities
Coordination of privately owned wastewater treatment facilities to accommodate phased development
Facilitation NDEP review process and coordinating with stakeholders